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The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.


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Συνηθως παρουσιαζεται οταν παμε να δωσουμε Local admin rights σε χρηστη που ειναι σε domain. Στα windows 7 ειναι πιο συχνο το προβλημα. Η λυση ειναι μπακαλιστικη αλλα δουλευει.

* Log-on on locally to the workstation with a local administrator account.

* Right click "My Computer" and select properties

* Windows 7: Select change settings next to the computer name

* Click on Change

* Change the Member of selection to WorkGroup and enter anything you like

* Click OK

* in the The computer must restart prompt click OK

* back in the computer name tab click on change again

* Change the Member of selection to domain and enter the domain name

* Click OK

* enter the credentials of the users which is permitted to join the computer to the domain

* in the The computer must restart prompt click OK

* back in the computer name tab click OK

* on the restart computer prompt click restart now.

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