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VIA's K8T800 PRO allows AGP and PCI fixing!


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@the inquirer

VIA's K8T800 PRO will be enable you to fix AGP and PCI values. This means that your PCI and AGP devices won't be over-overclocked. Bare in mind that you cannot change the multiplier on Athlon 64 or FX CPUs except if you are lucky a journo or industry man that has a rare overclockable multiplier.

This means that 939 CPUs might be good overclockers, as we saw a phase-changed, cooled Athlon FX running at more than 2800MHz from its original 2200MHz and it was still running quite cool. μ...

δυστυχώς δε λέει τίποτα για 754 και το πόσο σύντομα θα βγει αν βγει...

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