kallileo Posted April 8, 2006 #1 Posted April 8, 2006 Εχω δυο PCια συνδεμενα μεταξυ τους και γενικα δουλευει το δικτυο. Απλα στο ενα που ειναι και ο δευτερευων(παιρνει Ιντερνετ διαμεσου του αλλου) ας πουμε εχω προβλημα και δεν μπορω να εχω προσβαση στους διαμοιραζομενους φακελους του πρωτευοντα. Ενω το αντιθετο γινεται.Μου βγαζει το εξης μηνυμα:"Δεν υπαρχει αρκετος διαθεσιμος χωρος στον διακομιστη για την εκτελεση αυτης της εντολης."
Santa Cruz Posted April 9, 2006 #2 Posted April 9, 2006 το προβλημα ειναι απο παλια ή βγηκε τωρα?Πες μου ip's subnets και workgroups ειναι οκ?firewall εχεις ναι οχι?
trendy Posted April 9, 2006 #3 Posted April 9, 2006 Αν δεν υπάρχει πρόβλημα χωρητικότητας στους δίσκους μήπως έχεις ενεργοποιήσει έστω και κατά λάθος την quota;
Santa Cruz Posted April 9, 2006 #4 Posted April 9, 2006 για κανε map το drive...να δουμε αμα γινει ετσι
kallileo Posted April 10, 2006 Author #5 Posted April 10, 2006 Στο πρωτο εινα:IP:Στον δευτεροΙΡ:Προεπιλεγμενη πυλη:Τα workgroup ειναι ιδια.Παλιοτερα δεν ειχε προβλημα. Το firewall ειναι των Windows. Και εχει χωρο και στους δυο σκληρους.Τι ειναι τα quota και map drive?????
trendy Posted April 10, 2006 #6 Posted April 10, 2006 Map network drive είναι να χρησιμοποιείς ένα δικτυακό φάκελο ή drive σα να είναι τοπικό.Quota είναι να έχει ο κάθε χρήστης του μηχανήματος συγκεκριμένο χώρο στη διάθεσή του.
Santa Cruz Posted April 10, 2006 #7 Posted April 10, 2006 με map πρεπει να δουλεψει...εξακολουθεις να εχεις προβλημα.Για καθε ενδεχομενο μιας με το firewall των xp ειναι απο μονο του προβλημα.
Santa Cruz Posted April 10, 2006 #8 Posted April 10, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από kallileo [Σήμερα, στις 08:37] Στο πρωτο εινα: IP: Στον δευτερο ΙΡ: Προεπιλεγμενη πυλη: DNS: Τα workgroup ειναι ιδια. Παλιοτερα δεν ειχε προβλημα. Το firewall ειναι των Windows. Και εχει χωρο και στους δυο σκληρους. Τι ειναι τα quota και map drive????? Quota in Windows 2000/XP Windows 2000/XP provides native support for quota in the ntfs file system, and we are using it on our file servers. It is very similiar to the quota as known from traditional Unix file systems but differ quite a lot from quota as known from AFS or the previous NT 4.0 domain. In NT 4.0, the quota system was an add-on product. Quota enables us to keep track of the filesystem usage, so that no single user can grab the entire available diskspace. Quota is typically over allocated, meaning that you are not really guaranteed the diskspace corresponding to your quota. In reality, this is not really a problem, we are monitoring diskspace and have systems installed to easily add more when needed. The quota system decreases the risk of sudden changes. File Ownership and Quota Quota limits in Windows 2000/XP is per user and file system volume, meaning t he physical file system volume on the server, not the device V: you see under "My Computer". Also settings for wether quota limits are enforced or not and a few other things are per volume. All files on that same volume which are owned by you, are charged to your quota. This includes files owned by you, but saved in other users home folder. If you want a file to be charged to the other user, you have to make him or her take ownership of the file. Quota on Home Folders Quota on Home Folders are enforced. You can only write data up to the quota limit. You can see how much space you have in the Explorer in the Property page for the V: device or in the detailed view of "My Computer". The Total Size is you total quota, and Free Space the amount of quota you have left. The default quota is now 50Mb. As an employed faculty member, you get more whenever you ask for it. As a student, you need a good reason to get more. quota 100mb with 34,4 mb left Quota on Profiles To avoid data corruption, quotas on profile folders are not enforced, but they are logged. That it is not enforced doesn't mean that you're allowed to store more data then the quota limit there, which is 20Mb. The limits are the same for students as for members of the faculty, but the latter who are working with mobile computers may want to keep more data in their profiles. The limits are logged and notification will be sent to you and administrators. Quotas on profiles are in your own interest. You typically want to keep your profile small, since it is copied back and forth during logon and logoff. Even if the algorithms for how the profile stored on the server is updated are improved in Win2000, the experience from NT 4.0 is that it too easily corrupted for comfort too, so you don't want to store more data there than you need to. More information about profiles, home folders and data is available in other documents on this site. Note: that the quota settings for home folders and profiles are different implies that they are kept on different physical devices on the server.
Stelaras Posted April 11, 2006 #9 Posted April 11, 2006 Δες και αυτο : http://www.winguides.com/registry/display.php/756/Εγω χρειαστηκα irpstacksize 17 για να παιξει σωστα.
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